My Mother's Description
My mother name is Maria Mote. She age is 57th years old. She height is 150
cm. She is thin. She is very hard in working but she not often sick. She calour
is same to me is black. Every morning before we wake up, she begin to pray.
Before begin the working and after working, she always pray. Every sunday, she
diligent folow the Mass in church and she invite we to follow the Mass.
Everyday she working in the garden and the night, she often look for fish in
lake. She very opened to anyone. If we do something not desire, she advice to
us but she not easy emotion. I miss her.
My Bicycle' Description
I buy the bicycle at
August 2010. I buy the bicycle about 200 rupiah. The bicycle is not anything in
body except torpedo brake. My bicycle is tall. It's colours are white and blue.
It's not have hand brake and not have gear wheel. Everyday I use the bicycle
where I go. I never touring to Purwokerto and Cilacap, Wonosari-Kukup Beach,
Salatiga, Solo, Parangtritis Beach but the bicycle is not broken. That is very
hard, because it's made is iron. The bicycle is rare damaged because I often
service. The bicycle is my vehicle.
By: Agustatogo
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